Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Paper♥Mate's InkJoy pens


PaperMate advertises these INk Joy pens as a Revolutionary ink system that gives the best in effortless writing. I was lucky enough to be chosen to try out the new Ink Joy line of pens. I couldn't wait to try them out. I have a hard time finding pens I like. Once I find a pen I really like, they never seem to be available when I want to buy more. I write a lot during any day making lists, or working on my son's school lessons.

My pens arrived late Friday evening but I didn't get a chance to use them. My son spirited them away, drawn by the bright colors. We have been searching for a writing instrument that he enjoys writing with.  He really liked these pens. He liked how they felt in his hand and how easy it was to scribble texture with them. These pens have inspired him to start writing in his daily journal again. That is a happy circumstance for a kid with sensory issues with the physical act of writing.

Before I could take my turn, my husband grabbed them for quick look. If the boy is cranky about his pens, Hubby is downright snobbish. He orders his pens and pencils rather than buying them off the shelf and no one is allowed to touch them. He also enjoyed how the pens fit into his, rather large, hand and he liked the way the ink flows. He wants a set of his own. It should be noted that Hubs is left handed. I know that some writing instruments can be challenge for lefties.

My guys have some sensory issues when it comes to pens. They have, in the past, complained about the smell of the ink, the feel of pens as they drag across the page, the shape of the pens and the sound that pens make on the paper as they are writing.  If Ink Joy pens make them happy, then without even testing them myself, I could call them a winner. 

I also liked the pens very much. I use several different colors when proofing my son's school lessons; Blue-spelling, pink-capitals, green-punctuation and so on. The vibrant colors will really be helpful. I thought that the darker colors had a better flow than the lighter colors but I liked them all. I am looking forward to using them and seeing them used in the upcoming school year.

My thanks CafeMom.com and PaperMate for the opportunity to take these pens for a test spin.

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